Articles appear in the news about misspelled names on highway signs from time to time.
For instance, the ocean-side community of Lavallette, NJ was misspelled as Lavalette. In New York City, a sign near the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge misspelled the name as Verrazano. This misspell required Governor Andrew Cuomo’s intervention to correct.
Now one would think that any state’s Department of Transportation would have a little more savvy than to allow such mistakes. But the typos creep in all the time. Actually, it’s quite common. Any web search will reveal some of the most egregious road sign spelling mistakes.
Here’s a sampling.
Rothschild misspelled as Rothschield and Schofield as Schofeild—both on the same sign.
Independence BLVD as Indepednence BLVD
Jones Beach as Jonse Beach
Dangerous Intersection as Dangerous Intertecsion
Please Drive Slowly as Please Slow Drively
Cincinnati as Cinicinnati
Business Access as Bisiness Access
Lake Parsippany as Lake Parisppany
Sycamore Street as Syacmore Street
Syracuse Airport as Sryacuse Airport
Ephrata as Epharta
The list is endless.
This should be a warning to all who look to the government as their god, as though its declarations are flawless and final. The government makes mistakes. It not only misspells words. It mistakenly sends benefits to dead people and writes off the living as dead. And sadly, it wrongfully convicts the innocent and acquits the guilty. It’s also been known to normalize perverse behavior which God still condemns. So it’s foolish to look to government to give its “stamp of approval” of one’s deviant lifestyle. The government’s even been guilty of waging war on people of faith.
No, the government is not the final voice on what is right and what is wrong. Though instituted by God (Rom. 13:1–7; 1 Pet. 2:13–17), government is only as good as the people it consists of. If the men and women we elect are godly and righteous, then our government is far more authorized and likely to speak with a moral voice. But if we only elect power-hungry, bold-faced liars, then our government will be an instrument of evil.
People of faith have an obligation to be active in the rule of their country—especially in a republic. They have an obligation to seek the welfare of their nation, to vote, pay taxes, and to pray to God on its behalf. This was Jeremiah’s message to the exiles from Israel who were captive in Babylon. “Seek the peace and welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf. For in its peace and welfare you will have peace and welfare” (Jer. 29:7).
So pray fervently for our flawed nation.
Actively seek its good and blessing. Vote for men and women who espouse biblical values both privately and openly. Oppose what is evil. This is the will of God for every believer.
Almighty and merciful Father, we pray through Jesus Christ Your Son, that You will bless the United States of America with an outpouring of Your Holy Spirit. Breathe a revival across our land and turn our hearts to You, O God, in faith and repentance and to each other in love and reconciliation. Restore to our hearts and minds a sense of decency. Put in our hearts us a hunger and thirst for righteousness, but also an abhorrence of evil. Awaken our conscience, O Lord, and help us to see our desperate spiritual condition. Yet, also open our eyes to Your unfailing love. Save us, O God, for Jesus’ sake.
Dear Father, please do not allow the wicked and godless to rule over us. Do not let them set the moral climate for this country or choose the path for our nation. Raise up men and women of God to be our Presidents, Congressmen, Senators, Supreme Court Justices, Governors, and Mayors. Fill the ranks of leadership throughout our society with the godly and the righteous, we pray. Raise our nation to true greatness and use America as Your instrument of peace, truth, and justice throughout the world. Amen.
Information from:
In article photo from AJC.