King Solomon was greater in riches and wisdom than all the other kings of the earth. (1 Kings 10:23)
Life can become really complex, and even more so as the world becomes increasingly global. Take the global war on terror, for example. It has an incredible number of moving pieces to consider. Civic leaders, military leaders and soldiers at all levels need wisdom in order to carry out their tasks effectively. How can we obtain wisdom? Training, experience, combat intelligence, etc., are good sources. But there’s a better source.
Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, got his wisdom from God. Do you know how he got it? He simply asked. As a young man who had just succeeded his father, David, to the throne, he confessed to the Lord that he was unable to govern properly. Solomon needed discernment and wisdom, and the Lord granted his request. We err badly if we think our knowledge and experience equal the wisdom we need in a particular situation. We can be thankful for what God has given us, but He always has more wisdom to share.
Do you need wisdom in your life? Consider following Solomon’s example. Ask God.