Yet as surely as the Lord lives and as you live, there is only a step between me and death. (1 Samuel 20:3)
David’s words spoken to Jonathan 3,000 years ago still hold true. The distance between life and death can be as short as a single step. Soldiers know this — especially airborne soldiers. One step is the difference between the safety of the aircraft and the danger of falling out hundreds of feet above the ground. The key is being ready.
Not long ago, a friend of mine bought his first motorcycle and was riding it in his neighborhood. He suddenly lost control and crashed into an oncoming car. He died instantly. In his zeal to ride his new motorcycle, he had failed to prepare properly and lost his life. Physical death is certain, but where we spend eternity is not. Jesus Christ has conquered death and provided the way to eternal life. But where you spend eternity depends on taking the right step. Jesus has promised to receive all who believe in Him into heaven to spend eternity with Him.
Are you ready? Have you taken the step to receive Him?