What Should We Expect?—Pt. 2 - The Warrior's Journey®

What Should We Expect?—Pt. 2

Sailors observe fireworks to celebrate the new year in Japan. Photo by The U.S. Navy is licensed under CC By 2.0

The article continues the expectations from What Should We Expect?.


Are you distressed about the godlessness of America? Then pray for America’s revival and redemption. Are you dismayed by all the corruption and intrigue in Washington? Then pray for our representatives in Washington—that God will take possession of their hearts, awaken their consciences, and set them on the path of righteousness. Could it be that God is allowing a sinful government to awaken sleeping Christians and to bring them to their knees in prayer and repentance? So let’s pray earnestly for our nation, that God will bring about a spiritual awakening.

Praying for the Prevailing Force

Can I illustrate something? I used to live in the Panhandle of Texas, between the cities of Lubbock and Amarillo. I recall that, as I’d travel east or west, all of the trees were bent over in a northerly direction. This is because there was a prevailing wind out of the south year-round. Although thunderous winds would occasionally blow out of the north, especially in the winter, the prevailing wind from the south made sure those trees on the wind-swept plains always leaned north.

The Spirit of God is sometimes likened to the wind in Scripture (Ezek. 37:7–10; John 3:5–8; Acts 2:2–4). The forces of evil and false doctrine are also compared to the wind (Dan. 7:2–3ff.; Rev. 7:1; Eph. 4:14). Which wind will prevail in America? Will it be the Spirit of the Living God or the spirit of him who now works in those who disobey God (Eph. 2:2)? Let’s pray fervently that the Holy Spirit will be the prevailing force in America, that our hearts may be bent toward Jesus Christ and righteousness.

Praying in Earnest

If we do pray fervently and faithfully, then we can expect revival in America. If we pray to God with a sense of urgency and desperation, we can expect God to answer our prayers. We can expect God to be faithful to all His promises to answer those who call out to Him (e.g. Ps. 34:15; Isa. 51:1–3; Jer. 29:13; 33:3; Luke 19:1–8; Phil. 4:4–8, 19; 1 Thess. 5:16–19).

Remember the parable of Jesus about the widow and the unjust judge (Luke 18:1–8)? In the story, there is a poor widow—the least influential person of a community in that day. In the same town, there is also a ruthless and godless judge. He has no conscience or fear of God’s judgment to sway him. And he’s so powerful in the community that he doesn’t fear anyone’s reprisal either. Yet as weak as the widow is and as powerful as the judge is, he ends up bowing to her will. Why? Because she is “wearing him out” with her constant pleas for justice.

Now, this is a parable of contrast. In it, Jesus is saying, “If a man so powerful and fearless as this judge can be swayed by such a poor defenseless widow, then how much more will God be influenced by the constant prayers of those He loves and desires to please?” The purpose of this parable, Jesus said, is “to show that at all times we should pray and not lose heart” (Luke 18:1).

If we pray earnestly, fervently, and with all our hearts, then we can expect good things for America in the New Year. If we take care of the things that concern God’s heart, then we can expect God to take care of the things that concern us in the months to come. Have hope for yourself. Have hope for America. Hope in God and serve Him wholeheartedly. Pray to Him without ceasing and trust Him to answer.


Dear Father in heaven, please breathe into my heart afresh and renew in me an intense desire to serve You. Work in my heart, O God, the drive to serve You and power to do so effectively.

Bless also our leaders in Washington and every State capital. Please open their hearts to You and Your leading and grant them heavenly wisdom to lead our nation in the path of righteousness. Please raise up men and women of God to be our Presidents, our Congressmen and Senators, and our Supreme Court Justices. Dear Father, save and redeem our nation, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

In article photo: USS Doyle Sailors stand in prayer during the ship's decommissioning ceremony by the U.S. Navy licensed under U.S. Govt. Work

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