Imagine a battalion-sized task force of 600 soldiers preparing to defend against an anticipated attack by a fierce and well-prepared enemy with forces outnumbering their own. What would happen if each soldier independently prepared and executed his own battle plan without regard for the task force commander’s battle plan? Not much doubt about the outcome — disaster with a capital “D.”
“Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” (James 4:7, NIV)
As absurd as this example seems, many people try to wage spiritual warfare against the devil without any regard for our Heavenly Commander’s commands or guidance. Result? They get repeatedly steamrolled. It is important to mention that in our culture, a lot of people don’t believe that the devil even exists. This would explain their lack of motivation for submitting to God. If there is no enemy, what’s the problem? But consider the evidence. Besides the fact, Jesus taught that the devil exists, take a look at our world.
The devil definitely exists, and he’s working overtime! So what can you do? Submit to God first. Then resist the devil and watch him flee.