Counting the Cost - The Warrior's Journey®

Virginia Guard chaplain support teams support military personnel in Louisianna. Photo by Coast Guard is licensed under CC By 2.0

Anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. (Matthew 10:38)

Basic training is not an easy time, nor is it intended to be. Every class has those individuals who start but do not finish. The reasons can be varied, but a frequent one is the failure to count the cost.

The military is a demanding business, and only those who have counted the cost will make it. The Christian life is no easy road either. Jesus didn’t mince words. His reference to “take his cross” simply means that the Christian life includes hardship in following God’s will. Jesus not only carried His cross. He died on it.

If you have made the decision to carry your cross and follow Christ, congratulations! But don’t expect that it will be easy. But be sure of this: The decision to follow Christ is the most important choice any person can ever make. Won’t you choose to follow Him today?

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