Below are some additional interactions on the article: 24/7 It Never Ends. Read it first.
Read Hebrews 11. The whole thing. Let it sink in. If you don’t know the stories they reference, go look them up. Then spend some time talking with God about what he intends for your life. Talk with him about what faith means and how having servitude to Christ as motivation in life makes all the difference. Be ready to hear what he has to say!
Check out this quiz to see how you handle stress! Always remember to keep God a part of your overwhelming life.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Philippians 4:13—A good verse to keep in mind when things start to overwhelm you!
Luke 12:22–31—While a plan and hard work are important, never let fear overwhelm you and paralyze you. God loves and cares for you. Just keep striving forward with dedication and joy and he will provide.
Colossians 1:17—Jesus is ready to help you figure out this overwhelming situation!
James 1:5—God promises to give you wisdom if you will just ask for it!
Small Group Guide:
Check out this spoken word video Time by Kurt Schroder.
Large group guide:
Life Questions:
- Each day this week make lists. Lists for things you need to do for school, movies to watch, people to catch up with, places you want to visit, jobs you want to apply for, and on and on. Try different ways of making lists- color coding, subcategories, time-limits for tasks, etc. Use lists to help you organize your day. Use a list to track if you’re drinking enough water. Just commit to making lists and using them to accomplish tasks. Be open to the idea and pay attention to the changes it makes in your life. Do you feel more clear-headed? Are things simpler to tackle? What things do you like about lists and what things don’t you like? Does anything surprise you? Give it a good solid week and really try to utilize this tool. Maybe you’ll discover something you love, or just a tactic that works. Even if you never become “a list person,” it’s still important to understand their effect and know how to utilize them when you are overwhelmed.
- Choose a Bible passage from the Scripture sections. Memorize it this week. Put it by your bed, fridge, locker, or somewhere you will see it multiple times a day.
- Talk to a trusted adult (parent, chaplain, youth leader, counselor) about a particular area of your life you feel might be too much for you to handle. Ask them for advice and to pray with you for God’s wisdom.
Maybe the idea of making a plan and doing the work wasn’t really what you were looking for. You wanted a magical formula or a get out of jail free card. Read through this Scripture and consider what God might be trying to tell you. Take some time to reflect and write down specifically what keeps you from committing to a plan and putting in the work. Are you afraid, lazy, worn-out, rebellious, angry, confused? Be honest and open with God. It’s only by acknowledging where you are at that you can begin to move forward to somewhere new.
Lazy people should learn a lesson from the way ants live. They have no leader, chief, or ruler, but they store up their food during the summer, getting ready for winter. How long is the lazy man going to lie around? When is he ever going to get up? “I’ll just take a short nap,” he says; “I’ll fold my hands and rest a while.” But while he sleeps, poverty will attack him like an armed robber.
Proverbs 6:6-11
You can probably relate to this scene from Finding Nemo when it comes to dealing with a demanding schedule.