Below are some additional interactions on the article: The Father Effect. Read it first.
Abraham: God changed Abraham’s name from Abram to Abraham. Originally he was named ‘Abram,’ which meant “exalted father”—a bit of irony because he had no children until he was 86 years old. Then God came to him and made a covenant with him saying he would be the father of many nations and changed his name Abraham means “Father of Many.”
Prodigal: from the World English Dictionary, we learn that as an adjective, the word prodigal means 1. recklessly wasteful or extravagant, as in disposing of goods or money 2. lavish in giving or yielding. (Although the son is the one who wasted his inheritance, it is the father who was lavish and extravagant with his love and acceptance!) To the right is a view of related words to the word prodigal from Visual Thesaurus.
Parable: a short story that uses familiar events to illustrate a religious or ethical point. Jesus used parables often to communicate things about the Kingdom of God by utilizing objects or accounts that were familiar to the people he was talking to. The parable of the Lost (or Prodigal) Son was one of three parables describing something that was lost being found; a lost coin and a lost sheep – both very familiar things—to tell of God’s love for the lost person!
Go to the shoppette or local drug store and buy a card for your dad. Then write a heart-felt message to him. Be as emotionally mushy or sincere as you want to be. Just go for it in expressing your love for him. Then put it in the envelope and send it to him in the mail (either at your own home or downrange if he’s deployed).
This poem is from this website.
Daddy’s Little Girl
by Amanda
Once upon a time
Far far away
Once upon a time in a dream
Once upon a time I was Daddy’s little girl
Once upon a time that was me In my dream I was Daddy’s little girl
In my dream he loved me
In my dream we did things together
Like ran races
Jumped rope
I can still feel the cold metal chains of the swing in my hands
But that’s not real
It was once upon a time that
Once upon a dream
Far far away
That was me
In my dreams I was Daddy’s little girl
In my dream he loved me
He took me places
Like ice cream shoppes and baseball games
I can still hear the crack of the bat
He took me places like roller skating and Broadway plays
What do you think of that?
But it’s not real
It’s once upon a time
Once upon a dream
Far far away that was me
If you’re a guy, take this quiz to discover whether you would make a good dad.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Genesis 7:1
Hebrews 11:7
Acts 10:1–2
Joshua 24:14–15
Matthew 2:13–23
Small Group Guide:
Scenes from We Were Soldiers
Take a look at a very good military father and how he transitions with his family. He also leads them spiritually, AND loves his wife! Good example!!
Military Dads and their Daughters: a video tribute set to a great country song
Military Dad Surprises Daughter at game: You’re probably familiar with this kind of scene. What a good surprise!
Large Group Guide:
SMALL & LARGE GROUPS – The Father Effect LG
Life Questions:
- Are you aware of any abusive situations by a father of one of your friends (like the one in the story)? Do you suspect anything that seems odd to you? If so, consider talking to your friend about it and reporting any such abuse from a troubled father to the MPs, chaplain or other authority. Don’t let it go unreported because it has serious implications for all involved!
- What are the ways you have benefitted from having a good dad or strong male figure in your life? Has his faithful service provided for your family through promotions (higher rank, better pay, better housing, etc.) and military awards (special recognition, better assignments, etc.)? Why not thank him for being able to receive some advantage from his provision for you and the family? Do it this week.
- Write a prayer for your dad on a 3×5 card and put it somewhere you can see it every day, and pray it for him for a whole month. See how that changes your relationship with your dad and how he is impacted.
Make a list of three things that you really appreciate about your dad.
Think of something important you need to let your dad know about your life (who you like, what challenges you at school, a dream about the future, a fear you have, etc.)?
Based on what you’ve read about a good father in the Scriptures, how is your dad similar or different?