Below are some additional interactions on the article: It’s All About God. Read it first.
Check out this link to Focus on the Family’s blog and listen to a free Adventures in Odyssey episode about John Newton. He wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace” and greatly influenced William Wilberforce and his political campaign to abolish slavery.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
1 Corinthians 1:25
Luke 12:13–21—Jesus rebukes a young man for his greed and warns against the dangers of thinking life is all about amassing possessions for personal gain.
Acts 20:24—St. Paul addresses the Ephesian elders prior to his perilous return to Jerusalem. Many thought this trip by Paul was a suicide mission. In the face of death, listen to what Paul has to say:
Small Group Guide:
SMALL & LARGE GROUPS – It’s All About God SG
Here is a clip from the 10th anniversary tribute to Les Misérables. It shows the part of the story where a recently released convict Jean Valjean is shown kindness by a bishop and in return for this generosity he steals from the parsonage and flees in the night. But the bishop forgives and saves Jean Valjean, causing Valjean to rethink the purpose of his life. Notice how the love of God expressed to another can change everything!
Large Group Guide:
SMALL & LARGE GROUPS – It’s All About God LG
Life Questions:
- Consider ways that you can give your life in service to other people. Does your school on base have an elementary mentoring program that you could help to serve? What volunteer opportunities exist on your post where you can serve as a role model for younger children? Challenge yourself to make a meaningful impact on someone else’s life before your PCS from your current residence.
- Young people possess incredible potential. What is something you would like to see different at your base? Consider how God might want to use you to accomplish his purposes. Dare to make yourself available to God.
God asks us to follow him and model ourselves after him. Take some time and write down as many words as you can think of to describe God. There are no right or wrong answers. The point is to understand how you see him. Once you better understand that, it will be easier to become like him. After you make your list, try circling a few that you want to talk with your leader about later, or attributes you share in common. Maybe you’ll want to circle the words that you would like to use to describe yourself but still need to work on. Keep this list somewhere nearby and feel free to add, circle, cross out, highlight, or whatever as God reveals himself to you more and more each day.
One of God’s biggest joys is seeing his children laugh and enjoy the rest of his creation. Take a look at this kid who, clearly, likes to spread the laughter around the world. The best part is, his love is contagious! Spread it around!!