Scripture: Ruth 1:1—18
Key verse: “But Ruth said, ‘Do not urge me to leave you or to return from following you. For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God.’” (Ruth 1:16)
I remember an AFN (American Forces Network) TV commercial from a few years ago about moving to a new military location. In the short segment, a soldier comes home and tells his young daughter they have PCS orders. Her first reaction is, “Ughhh, we are moving again!” As the dad shares a list of changes and things to be done, the girl pauses in a moment of reflection, starts to get excited about the move, and goes into a lawn sprinkler, dancing and chanting, “New room, new room, new room!” What do you suppose happened to the daughter in those few moments? A change of attitude!
Transitions come throughout our lives, and they always go better with a good attitude. The story of Ruth is one the best examples of a major transition that was made with a reflection, positive attitude. Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, have both lost their husbands, and Ruth says to Naomi, “Where you go I will go.” Ruth held a positive attitude and was willing to change her life because of the great love she had for Naomi. As such, God gave her a better life than she ever could have dreamed of, including being in the family tree of Jesus. Whatever transitions you face today or in the near future, remember Ruth’s decision to have a positive attitude and how that brought God’s blessings into her life.
Transitions equal change. In the past, how have you handled changes in your life? What changes are happening in your life now? What could you do differently during the next change?
Write down some words that describe your heart and attitude toward you last transition. Ask three friends to do the same. Now write down how you would like to respond to your next transition, using the positive attitude that Ruth displayed, as an example.
God, help me to develop the right attitude toward all the changes, or transitions I will face in life. Help me know that you care about me. Give me your peace, wisdom, and strength to do what’s right, no matter how hard it seems to be. As you did for Ruth and Naomi, please bless my life and my friends’ lives as well.