Scripture: Joshua 1:1–9
Key Verse: “‘Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.’” (Joshua 1:9)
I recently asked Ria, a military teen, where she was from. She replied with a smile, “I guess nowhere!” After all, she and her military family have been stationed in many places all over the world. So I pressed her with another question—”Where was your favorite place to live?” Surprisingly she told me it was overseas at a fairly remote military base, and for only two years. The relationship and the adventures she experienced there with her family and friends somehow made that “home” special.
As Ria and I talked, she told me about being a teenage Christian in public schools. Considering these years to be “mission opportunities,” she was always determined to be part of outreach ministries in schools and neighborhoods wherever her family was stationed.
The key to Ria’s strength and courage? She does not let “who” she is be determined by “where” she is. This is only possible because of her belief in Jesus Christ, whom she knows is with her wherever she goes. So, in a very real way, Ria’s home is with Christ. No matter what address the PCS orders state, Ria home is based on her relationship with a heavenly Father who is with her wherever she goes.
Where do you consider your “home” to be? What have you experienced or done when you moved that required strength and courage? Do you think God had anything to do with that?
Interview two military families in your neighborhood or church. Ask them what their favorite assignment was and why?
Heavenly Father, please watch over me throughout this current assignment. Draw me near to you so that I will know you are my true home. Give me strength and courage every day, through faith in Jesus Christ. Amen.