The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. (1 Timothy 4:1)
Unfortunately, military history contains instances where some have “broken ranks” and joined the enemy. Whatever the reasons, the outcomes for those who disobeyed have met with disaster most of the time. One such incident occurred on April 28, 1779, when crewmembers of the HMS Bounty mutinied against Lt. William Bligh, the ship’s captain. Of the 45 members of the British Navy aboard the vessel, 26 of them joined Fletcher Christian, leader of the mutiny. But for the mutineers who broke ranks, most died prematurely through violent death, some by hanging.
Sadly, history also records that some soldiers in God’s army have also “broken ranks” with God. Some will even do so in the future. Be smart. Don’t be deceived by the enemy of your soul. Stay in God’s camp.
If you have “broken ranks,” confess your sin to your Heavenly Commander, receive His forgiveness, and spend eternity in His presence.