In him was life, and that was the light of men. (John 1:4)
Night-fighting capabilities are no longer optional. Technological advances demand that commanders train units in the effective use of night vision devices on today’s lethal battlefield. We are doing this very effectively in Iraq and Afghanistan. Most of the time insurgents don’t possess good night-fighting equipment. Foolishly, they have tested U. S. forces during the hours of darkness and discovered a deadly truth. On the physical battlefield, those walking in darkness cannot compete with those who walk in the light.
Ironically, some soldiers still resist. They would rather trust their natural vision. This could be tragic — human abilities alone are no match for an enemy that employs night vision technology skillfully. Spiritual warfare is much like fighting at night. Those with the ability to see the spiritual battlefield clearly can locate and defeat the enemy of our souls. Those without good spiritual vision walk around in the dark and present themselves as easy targets for the enemy. Jesus Christ is the Light we need to wage and win in spiritual warfare. Are you walking in His light?