Once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him. (Hebrews 5:9)
The presence of great leadership does not guarantee that an army will be victorious. The followers must listen and carry out the orders of those in authority. In fact, obedience is so important that a soldier wanting to reenlist must swear or affirm that he will obey the orders of the president of the United States as well as the orders of the officers appointed over him. On the spiritual battlefield the rules work the same way. If we are going to triumph over our enemy, the Devil, we must first submit to our Commander. The Lord knows all about the rules for victory. He wrote them.
Ironically, most military men and women obey their leaders, contributing significantly to a mission accomplishment. Yet somehow, they approach submission to God in a half-hearted manner. Does this make sense? Dying on a cross was serious commitment. It required Jesus’ total submission. But through His obedience, Jesus Christ became the sacrifice for our sins and the source of our eternal salvation. Are you fully submitting to Him?