Leaving Friends Behind—Interactions - The Warrior's Journey®

Leaving Friends Behind—Interactions

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Below are some additional interactions on the article: Leaving Friends Behind. Read it first.


Take a look at the area where Jacob grew up, took his brother Esau’s birthright and blessing, then ran away up north, got married to both of Laban’s daughters, and traveled back where he once again ran into Esau. Do you know what countries these geographical areas would represent today?


The word “reconciliation” used in the New Testament comes from the Greek words katallasso, katallage, apokatallasso:

  1. Derived from kata = according to; allasso = to exchange, alter (from Allos = another)
  2. Meaning: to restore understanding between people after hostility, displeasure or disagreement.

The English word “reconciliation” comes from Latin reconciliare; re = again, conciliare = to bring together, to unite; therefore ‘to bring together again.’



Here are two poems about friends and friendship that may line up with some of your own experiences:

Walk Away
© Mili Jain

I watch you walk away from me
And the tears start to fall
I ask myself a million times
How did we lose it all?
For the first time I had no words
that to you I could say
I cling to old memories
And I watch you walk away
I just don’t want to let you go
But inside I know I must
My heart’s whimpering with pain
But it’s my mind I trust
There’s confusion around me
There’s numbness in my heart
But looking at you walk away
My world just fell apart
If only I could handle it
And bear to just say
I’d use my breath and say the words
Don’t Walk Away!

Source: Walk Away, Broken Friendship Poems

Friendship Means
© Tracie Labauve

Friendship means being there just to be there.
Friendship means listening and not asking questions.
Friendship means lending your shoulder for someone to cry on.
Friendship means being comfortable around each other in silence.
Friendship means being able to tell each other anything and understanding without questions.
Friendship means being honest with each other no matter what the cost.
Friendship means staying up all night and talking about nothing.
Friendship means being able to say I love you!
Friendship means forgiving each other no matter what you have done.
Friendship means learning from each other’s mistakes.
Friendship means me and you.
This is the way I look at you, my friend, and I love you!

Source: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/what-friendship-means


I’m pretty sure that a lot of you will identify with most or all of this blog from a military brat. She titles it “Last Move.”


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Acts 20:32–38

Joshua 24:1

Joshua 24:25–30—As an old man, Joshua says farewell to his people.

Colossians 1:19–22—Jesus Christ made it possible for us to be reconciled to God.

Matthew 5:21–24—Making things right with another person is critical to God.

2 Corinthians 5:16–21—God initiates reconciliation and calls us to do the same.

Small Group Guide:

SMALLLARGE GROUPS – Leaving Friends Behind SG


For those country music lovers, here’s a music video of a song called “I’m Moving On” by Rascall Flatts:

Large group guide:

SMALLLARGE GROUPS – Leaving Friends Behind LG

Life Questions:

Build your own RAFT here. Take each ‘log’ in the RAFT and write your answers to the following. Then implement these strategies.

  1. Reconciliation: List friends and family that you need to re-establish a good relationship with. Include people you’ve pushed away and whom you need to ask their forgiveness.
  2. Affirmation: List people who have given to you and invested in you while you were here. Think of ways to express your thanks to them like a card, or visit, or flowers, or a photo of the two of you. Don’t forget to send it or give it to them soon.
  3. Farewell: List key people, then places, then pets and possessions you need closure with. Literally tell them goodbye.
  4. Think Destination: Make a list of things that you will need to make life work at your next location. Check this list every other day and add or subtract as necessary.


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