Preparing For Known Change—Interactions - The Warrior's Journey®

Preparing For Known Change—Interactions

. Photo by i yunmai is licensed under CC By 2.0

Below are some additional interactions on the article: Preparing For Known Change. Read it first.


Sometimes, when we know a change is coming, we get really anxious and start to feel confused, scared, and unsure. Set some time aside twice this week to go off to a quiet place where you won’t be bothered; pick one of the Scripture passages in the “Scripture” section above, and slowly and quietly go through these five steps:

  1. Begin your time alone with God with this prayer: Holy Father, as I approach your sacred word, open my heart, clear my mind, open my ears to listen to your voice, and give me the courage to accept your call. May your Holy Spirit inspire me and encourage me to proclaim the Gospel. I ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.
  2. Slowly read the Scripture passage aloud. In a journal or notebook, write a sentence that summarizes what you think it means. Begin with a statement such as, I think this passage means or I think God is saying.
  3. Read the Scripture aloud a second time. This time, in your journal or notebook, note the sights, smells, tastes, touches, sounds or feelings that come to mind. These do not have to be complete sentences. You may also draw symbols or pictures if you’d like.
  4. Read the Scripture a third time out loud. This time, write the word or phrase that leaps out at you in this passage as you read it a third time. Sit quietly for several minutes and repeat the word or phrase in your mind. Try to get rid of all other thoughts and focus on your word or phrase; then write down what it means to you and how that meaning connects to your life.
  5. End with a prayer, talking to God about the Scripture and thanking him for speaking to you.
    Adapted from this source. Check it out for additional ways to understand and experience this process (called Lectio Divina, and pronounced “lexio da-veena”).


Preparing for and dealing with life change is something that we all need to learn to do, because it’s unavoidable. It helps to understand how you handle change. Take this quiz to get an idea of how well you handle change.


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


Matthew 26:36–46—Jesus is preparing to die for the sins of the world, the biggest change to ever happen. See how he prepares for this in these verses.

Ecclesiastes 3:1–15—There’s a time and place for everything! In this passage we realize that there are lots of changes and emotions but God is in control.

Philippians 4:6–7—These verses remind you not to be anxious about anything, to bring things to God in prayer, and to be thankful.

Isaiah 55:8–9—Sometimes it’s hard to understand why things have to change, but we have to remember that God’s ways are higher than ours.

Romans 8:28—Even when change is hard, this verse helps remind us that God works for our good.

Deuteronomy 1:29–33—Just as God promised to go before the Israelites, he will go before you as you work through the change in your life.

Psalm 9:9–10—As you’re facing change and everything seems new and different, know that God will never abandon you.

James 4:13–15—When you’re going through change, know that God is in control; trust him; he knows what he’s doing.


Take a look at these high divers and listen to how they overcome their fears and uncertainties about something they know is coming – a very high dive that they have done before. Notice what keeps them calm and focused and moving through their natural feelings.

Life Questions:

  1. Write a journal entry as if you were Shem, Ham, or Japheth on the day your father, Noah, told you that God spoke to him about destroying the earth. Be creative! Write down reactions and feelings, and you can even include made up events and friends. Do you believe your father? How do you feel about building a huge ark? What do you think about the responsibility of taking care of so many animals?
  2. Make a list concerning what you feel about a coming change in your life; be brutally honest. Share this list with a trusted adult, ask them just to listen as you go through the list.
  3. Make your own life changes into an adventure story; type it up on your computer and print it out or write it in a journal. You can even illustrate it if you’re artistic or tech savvy!
  4. I’m sure Noah’s kids had a lot of questions about the ark and the flood and what was going on, but they stuck together as a family through it all. I bet they helped Noah build the ark! Write out some questions that you have about the coming changes in your life. Ask your parents to sit down with you and go through them. Ask them to keep you in the loop on everything going on with the changes.


In this clip, divorced parents Luke and Jackie are talking to their kids about a big change that’s coming; their father is marrying his girlfriend. Notice the initial feelings and reactions the kids have to this news. Also, listen carefully to the advice Jackie gives about dealing with hard changes in life.

After watching this clip, how do you think it shows some reactions someone might have to coming change?
How can you relate to what Jackie and Luke’s kids are feeling and how they react?
What are some ways that you can use the coming change in your life?


When change is coming you might feel like this dog who doesn’t want to get out of bed…

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