What Do I Have To Offer?—Interactions - The Warrior's Journey®

What Do I Have To Offer?—Interactions

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Below are some additional interactions on the article: What Do I Have To Offer?. Read it first.


Perhaps you feel reluctant to put the effort into discovering your skills and gifts and then continuing that hard work by using those talents to improve others lives. It is a big task and it might not seem worth it. That’s why it might be interesting for you to read this article on CNN.com: “The Importance of Belonging”(even just the first half before it gets into different case studies.)  In it you will find details about the physical benefits belonging has for us. Honestly, it is always amazing how perfectly we are designed by God. He makes something spiritually good for us also to reap physical and mental benefits. Then he compounds that by making what is good for us also good for those around us. How amazing! As you think about how all of this fits into your life, consider Ephesians 5:15–20:

So be careful how you live. Don’t live like ignorant people, but like wise people. Make good use of every opportunity you have, because these are evil days. Don’t be fools, then, but try to find out what the Lord wants you to do.
Do not get drunk with wine, which will only ruin you; instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with the words of psalms, hymns, and sacred songs; sing hymns and psalms to the Lord with praise in your hearts. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, always give thanks for everything to God the Father.


Here is a great tool for understanding more about your abilities and skills. The information offered on this website goes into a lot of detail about different aspects of your personality and the ways God is reflected in you. So don’t feel overwhelmed and feel free to go as in depth or superficial as you want. This quiz is a great place to start learning more about what you have to offer.
The website with all the info
The website with 2 shorter versions of the quiz
The website with the full length quiz


Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5


1 Corinthians 12:4–11—Here you will find some of the spiritual gifts we have been given. You might even find one that your never considered calling a spiritual gift.

Matthew 10:16–20—Jesus advises us on how to act when we are under persecution, and we get a glimpse at one of the bigger reasons as to why we have abilities and skills – to bring the Good News to others.

Joshua 1:7–9—Whenever you feel unsure about what you are supposed to be doing with your talent, look to what God said to his servant Joshua when it came time for him to lead the Israelites.

1 Peter 4:7–11—Here Peter gives some directions for good general management of the blessings and abilities we have received from the Lord. Again, notice how it starts small with you, and then grows bigger to impact others.

Exodus 35:30–35—This is an account of one of the workers God used to create the first temple and all it’s parts. You never know what skill God included when he created you, or how he’ll use that gift to work his purpose.

Small group guide:

What Do I Have to Offer SG


This is a great clip from a great article about 8 kids who have changed the world! Listen to Ryan’s story. Notice what he did to accomplish his goal, and how he utilized and is still utilizing his abilities to help others. Once again we also see the ripple effect of how what we have to offer can change the lives of others and impact those around them and on and on! Don’t forget to check out the other stories in this article. They are pretty amazing!
The article: http://www.mnn.com/lifestyle/responsible-living/photos/8-amazing-kids-who-have-changed-the-world/ryan-hreljac
The video:

Large group guide:

What Do I Have to Offer LG

Life Questions:

Make a list of ten abilities you might have. Try and think of things that you have actually done rather than things you want/dream to do. Think of specific instances when time flew by and you became absorbed in what you were doing. Some ideas—singing, organizing, building something, being a shoulder to lean on for others, an ear for pitch and tone, teaching someone else, making others laugh. I’m sure you can think of a bunch more!

Take a minute and reread the Supporting Scripture section. Afterwards, spend some time considering what struck you most in those verses. Talk with Jesus about his part in your life and identity. After thinking over these Scriptures, choose one, or part of one, to keep in a place you see multiple times a day—locker, notebook, duct taped onto your Xbox controller, wherever! Keep God’s words present in your heart as you begin to discover more about how you were made and what you have to offer. I encourage you to memorize them but, more than that, use these words to push you toward your next step of action in living life the way you were created to live—experiencing the loving, inspiring presence of God and helping others experience it too.


Read these two pieces of literature and notice the language used and the thoughts expressed. Do they sound familiar? Or are they not at all what you’ve experienced? Consider why that is. After thinking about it for some time, even a day or two, use a method of self expression you prefer, like dance, painting, writing, etc. to convey your own thoughts and life experiences you’ve had while discovering your skills and how to use them. Share these with a close friend, youth leaders, and parents to see what they see as some of your gifts and abilities.

If I Could Do Anything I Would

If I could do anything I would
Change the world, make a difference for good
Don’t care what people will say
The impossible is I AM possible today!
If I could do anything I would
Live life feverishly I should
Close my eyes at the end of each day
Saying “damn, I love living this way”
If I could do anything I would
Saying I can, and never I could
Fly to the moon, something impossible it may seem
Open a nursing home, realizing my dream
If I could do anything I would
Even at the risk of being misunderstood
Make a difference, change a life I say
When I am gone, they will say “wow, she did it her way”

©2010 by Gerard C. Johnson

Psalm 118:5–17

In my distress I called to the LORD;
     he answered me and set me free.
The LORD is with me, I will not be afraid;
     what can anyone do to me?
It is the Lord who helps me,
     and I will see my enemies defeated.
It is better to trust in the LORD
     than to depend on people.
It is better to trust in the LORD
     than to depend on human leaders.
Many enemies were around me;
     but I destroyed them by the power of the LORD!
They were around me on every side;
     but I destroyed them by the power of the LORD!
They swarmed around me like bees,
     but they burned out as quickly as a brush fire;
     by the power of the LORD I destroyed them.
I was fiercely attacked and was being defeated,
     but the Lord helped me.
The LORD makes me powerful and strong;
     he has saved me.
Listen to the glad shouts of victory in the tents of God’s people:
     “The LORD‘s mighty power has done it!
     His power has brought us victory—
     his mighty power in battle!”
I will not die; instead, I will live
     and proclaim what the LORD has done.


Have a good laugh at this little girl’s strange talent!

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