Our Partners - The Warrior's Journey®


Working Together to Serve Our Warriors

The Warrior's Journey recognizes that success comes through key partnerships. No one organization can provide all the services our warriors need, but together we can meet every need. Each TWJ has been vetted and is recommended by our team.

Troops First Foundation

Made up of retired Army and Air Force Vets, TFF reaches out through multiple initiatives and the mindset of putting Wounded Warfighters before all else.

Extreme Outfitters

Convoy of Hope

We partner to bring a spiritual emphasis and our resources to all community outreach events across the nation.  Connecting with local pastors and organizations TWJ leaves a lasting and ongoing point of contact future ministry. 

Planting Roots

Military women, both those in uniform and military wives, desire connection, stability, hope, and joy. Dealing with multiple moves, frequent deployments, and questions regarding careers, Planting Roots still must continue to build marriages, raise children, develop relationships, and manage careers.

Roever Foundation

The Roever Foundation partners with The Warrior's Journey by arranging education and retreats for TWJ inquirers. The foundation recognizes and emphasizes the importance of a soldier's experience after leaving the service.

Lead With Liberty

Lead with liberty has provided TWJ with amazing leadership material to use for small group and personal growth. They continue to support and partner with our ministry.

Foundation for Exceptional Warriors

The Foundation for Exceptional Warriors is a ministry that the TWJ utilizes for outdoor ministry excursions and other outdoor-related events.

American Bible Society

American Bible Society provides many of the resources available to you through TWJ. Thanks to the Society branch specific Bibles, the Warrior's Study Bible, Engage Your Strengths, God Understands, Journey of a Military Wife, and the Military Teen Bible are all now available thanks to American Bible Society.

Military Biblestick

As the only item authorized to be worn while in uniform, the military Bible stick has been a valuable partner for our men and women on active duty, providing them a way to listen to scripture as they are able. It contains the entire Audio Drama New Testament and selected Psalms chosen specifically for “warriors,” yet it’s only about the size of a pack of chewing gum.

Warrior Refuge

The Warriors Journey identifies the needs of the Soldiers and acts as referral provider for recommending individuals who would benefit from the Warrior Refuge program.

Engage Your Destiny

They exist to build spiritual resiliency in the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and build the local church through outreach events, healing, hope, and purpose, and discipleship.

No Greater Love Film

Partnering with No Greater Love, TWJ is able to provide small group materials for discipleship and teaching. The hope of this film is that audiences can come to understand the agony and struggles soldiers experience both during and after war, on the battlefield and off.

Officers’ Christian Fellowship

As partners, OCF and TWJ share resources used for the teaching and training of today's military officers.

The Stronger Alliance

This small group material relates primarily to PTSD, allowing us to help men and women stuck in this situation to find victory and healing.

Stronger Movie

Reflective Media Productions is works with The Warrior's Journey, Mighty Oaks Warriors, the Amos House of Faith and many other organizations. Their prayer is to raise awareness of PTSD and the hope Christ offers for healing.

Military Missions Network

The Warriors Journey partners with the Military Missions Network to aid in connecting Soldiers around the world with Evangelical partners. and groups for establishing community and discipleship.

Military Community Youth Ministries

Military Community Youth Ministries helps this process along through affirmation and availability to enjoy life as a military youth. Their mission is to celebrate life with military teens, introduce them to the Life Giver, and help them become more like Him.

Club Beyond®

The Warriors Journey (TWJ) in partnership with Club Beyond® provides online resources that allow teens to find resources focused on where they are in the faith journey and how it relates to the military lifestyle. Check out our Teen category for more information.

Life Publishers

The Warrior's Journey puts out resources and literature provided by Life Publishers with the mission of proclaiming the word of God to warriors who have yet to believe.

Tee It Up For The Troops

With this partnership TWJ has able to launch the first annual TWJ Golf Classic which raises local awareness of the needs of the military community as well as funds for the ministry.

Hope For The Warriors

Hope For The Warriors is a family, united by a shared conviction of honor and sacrifice.

American Freedom Foundation

TWJ partners with AFF to help our veterans transitioning from military life to employment in the civilian sector. TWJ works to help veterans connect with a job and a christian community in the local area where they live.